Signs of Low Testosterone

As a hormone replacement specialist, Dr. Berman is seeing more and more male patients whose vitality and quality of life are being negatively affected by low levels of Testosterone. This is a common condition that too often goes undiagnosed. It is so common in fact, that new research indicates that one out of every four men over the age of 30 has less than optimal Testosterone levels.

The symptoms of this condition include gaining weight, difficulty sleeping, mood changes, low motivation and always feeling tired.

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(833) 202-0808

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Dr. Berman’s Low Testosterone treatment has helped hundreds of men like you feel reinvigorated. This simple treatment involves the injection of small amounts of a bioidentical hormone, like those you already have in your system. Patients find that it restores the vibrancy that was diminishing with age.

Dr. Mikhail Berman is a fully licensed medical physician and a fellow of the American Academy of Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine. This respected institution supports the research, training, and promotion of practices that can treat issues that become more pronounced through aging, such as hormone replacement therapy for men.

This is a safe and effective treatment option for anyone suffering from the effects of Low T. Once again, you can feel optimistic and confident, experience the return of strength and muscle mass, and discover a renewed desire for sex. If you are one of the millions of men with Low Testosterone, this hormone replacement therapy clinic will help you become your best self again.

The issue of Low Testosterone is losing its stigma, with men all over the country realizing how common it is. Once suffering from symptoms such as fatigue, depression loss of muscle mass, a low or nonexistent sex drive, or erectile dysfunction, many men have had their energy, lives, and relationships renewed, thanks to low hormone treatment therapy from Dr. Berman.

There are two ways to determine whether a Low Testosterone count is affecting your quality of life. The first is a blood test that analyzes your level of “free” Testosterone, the amount of hormone in your body not bound to a protein. This is the most accurate level to assess. Second, Dr. Berman will do a thorough assessment of any other hormone levels, and gland function, along with the symptoms you are experiencing.

I never even knew men experienced symptoms equivalent to women’s menopause. At the age of 54, I felt tired, overweight, stressed, with no energy to even go out with my wife. The program was recommended to me by a friend. The cost was reasonable and Dr. Berman really took care of me. It’s been 5 months and I feel energized and revived. I couldn’t have asked for more.


Miami, FL

I’m 64 years old and I’ve been on this program for several months now and I have to say this is a miracle. I used to wake up in the morning and not want to get out of bed. I used to go to work and have unproductive days because I felt tired. Now I feel great every day. I have become more active and I think my wife really likes that. I plan on being on this program for the rest of my life.


Jupiter, FL

Dr Mikhail Berman is the best doctor who has ever treated me. He helped to increase my Testosterone level which lead to improved quality of life. My energy level and sexual drive increased dramatically after his treatment. I have become more optimistic and energetic. Thank you Dr. Berman.



Patient Reviews

Unleash Your Potential: Restore Your Energy, Virility, and Strength

Dr. Mikhail Berman is a Testosterone therapy specialist, a licensed medical doctor trained in effective treatment methods for Low T counts using Testosterone replacement therapy at a private clinic in the center of Palm Beach Gardens Florida.

Call (888) 804-1632 to schedule an appointment.

Dr. Mikhail Berman
8295 N Military Trail, Suite G
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
(888) 804-1632

Monday | 10am – 5pm
Tuesday | 10am – 5pm
Wednesday | 10am – 5pm
Thursday | 10am – 5pm
Friday  | 10am – 5pm




Port Saint Lucie
550 NW University Blvd
Unit #104
Port St. Lucie, FL 34986
(772) 217-5844

630 S. Orange Ave
Unit 301B
Sarasota, FL 34236
(941) 270-4611

How To Get Started

Call & Get Tested

Your first step toward health begins by calling Dr. Berman’s office to arrange for tests with his trusted lab. You will receive a complete hormone profile and assessment of gland function. Next, Dr. Berman will invite you in for a consultation where he will do a complete physical and discuss your lab results.

A low count is considered to be anything less than 400 ng/dL of total Testosterone and less than 10 ng/dL of free Testosterone. Free Testosterone is the hormone not bound to proteins, the most important number to review. This number must be compared alongside other hormone levels, red blood cell count and your symptoms. Dr. Berman will also take into consideration your height, weight, overall health and history of illnesses.

Consult Your Results

If your diagnosis shows a lower level of Testosterone that is good for you, and you are experiencing fatigue, cognitive decline, a low sex drive, hair or muscle loss, you can discuss treatment options with Dr. Berman. He utilizes Testosterone injections, a hormone replacement therapy that you learn to administer in the privacy of your own home. He believes in Testosterone therapy via injection for the complete control it gives in determining the exact dosage for your levels, and an ability to track the results.

Follow-Up Visit

During follow up visits, the doctor will continue to monitor your hormone levels, improved symptoms, and red blood count. In no time at all, you will be reinvigorated, full of energy and ready for the healthy vibrant sex life.

About Dr. Mikhail Berman

Ready for Testosterone replacement therapy?
Schedule An Appointment Now

Dr. Mikhail Berman is a fully licensed medical doctor and a long time family practitioner. He has studied the human body, its systems and how to heal patients for over 30 years. As a Fellow of the American Academy of Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, Dr. Berman has extensive medical knowledge regarding treatments known to slow the effects of aging.

His approach utilizes natural treatment options, along with up-to-date medical methods to help combat disease and conditions that can impact your quality of life, no matter how old you are.

Dr. Berman works with you to develop a plan that will help you live and maintain a healthy lifestyle, and live a long, vibrant life, for the rest of your life. Dr. Berman provides sensible guidance and treatment options to combat illness and drastically improve your quality of life, especially if you are suffering from the effects of Low Testosterone. He’ll help you win the fight against stress, disease and the negative effects of aging, especially when hormone deficiencies are at fault.

Dr. Mikhail Berman believes in closely supervising your treatment, the safest way to benefit from hormone replacement therapy safely. The goal is to reach a place where all of the hormones in your system are perfectly balanced and working together in a healthy feedback loop, with everything is working at optimum efficiency.

See Dr. Mikhail Berman in Palm Beach Gardens for a consultation today by calling (888) 804-1632 for an appointment. It’s time to become your best self.

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Ready to reclaim your youth? Uncover a new, energized, and rejuvenated you, ready to tackle life’s adventures head-on. Don’t let low testosterone hold you back  – it’s time to live life to the fullest with Testosterone Replacement Therapy. Schedule an appointment in one of Youth and Longevity's locations.

It is important to note that not all men with low T levels will experience symptoms, or experience them right away. In some cases, this is a slow process that can take years to impact your life in a pronounced way. Waiting to see a doctor, however, can negatively impact your health. Low Testosterone can lead to osteoporosis, and gynecomastia or increase your chances of having a heart attack or stroke later on in life.

A visit to Dr. Berman means that together you can discuss your age, lifestyle, habits, and overall health profile, including your Testosterone count, before deciding if any hormone replacement treatment would help.

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As a provider of safe, effective, and affordable Testosterone Replacement Therapy for men over 35 for the last 12 years, Youth and Longevity is observing an increasing number of male clients whose vitality and quality of life suffer due to low Testosterone levels. This prevalent condition often goes undiagnosed, impacting approximately one in every four men aged 30 and above, according to recent studies.

The signs of this ailment include depressed mood, weight gain, sleep disturbances, mood swings, diminished motivation, feeling "Over the hill" and burnt out, and persistent fatigue.

Dr. Berman’s protocol for Testosterone Replacement Therapy has been a transformative solution for numerous men, like yourself, experiencing Partial Testosterone Deficiency of Aging Male. This straightforward treatment involves administering small doses of a bioidentical hormone, mirroring the one naturally produced in your body. Patients frequently report a restoration of vitality that had waned with age.

Dr. Mikhail Berman is not only a licensed Medical Doctor but also a distinguished fellow of the American Academy of Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine. This esteemed institution is dedicated to advancing research, training, and practices aimed at addressing age-related issues, including hormone replacement therapy for men.

This treatment option is both safe and effective for individuals grappling with Low T effects. Once again, there's reason for optimism and confidence, as strength and muscle mass return, and a revitalized libido emerges. If you're among the millions dealing with Low Testosterone, our hormone replacement therapy program is here to guide you back to your optimal self.

The stigma surrounding Low Testosterone is gradually dissipating, with men nationwide realizing its prevalence. Formerly burdened by symptoms like fatigue, depression, muscle loss, decreased libido, or erectile dysfunction, many have found renewed energy, vitality, and improved relationships through hormone replacement therapy from Youth and Longevity.

Assessing whether Low Testosterone is impacting your life quality can be done through two methods. Firstly, a blood test can gauge your levels of "free" Testosterone — an active form unbound to proteins — as well as evaluate other hormone levels that may influence testosterone production.

Secondly, a comprehensive discussion of your symptoms is crucial. It's worth noting that not all men with low T levels experience immediate symptoms. Sometimes, it's a gradual process taking years to manifest significantly. However, delaying a doctor's visit can have detrimental health consequences. Low Testosterone may lead to the development of Metabolic Syndrome, gynecomastia, and osteoporosis or increase the risk of heart attacks or strokes later in life.

A consultation with Youth and Longevity doctor involves exploring your age, lifestyle, habits, overall health profile, and Testosterone levels before determining the suitability and safety of hormone replacement therapy.

Your journey toward better health begins with a simple phone call to Youth and Longevity to schedule tests through our trusted lab. These tests will provide you with an extended hormone profile and evaluate pituitary gland function. Following this, we'll arrange a consultation where our doctor will conduct a physical examination and discuss your lab results with you.

A low Testosterone count is defined as anything below 400 ng/dL of total Testosterone and less than 10 ng/dL of free Testosterone. Free Testosterone, the hormone unbound to proteins, holds particular significance and warrants close examination. This value should be analyzed alongside Pituitary hormone levels, Complete blood count (CBC), Comprehensive Metabolic Profile, PSA (prostate health test), and your reported symptoms. Additionally, your physician will consider factors such as height, weight, overall health, and medical history.

If your diagnosis reveals a lower than optimal Testosterone level and you're experiencing symptoms such as fatigue, cognitive decline, diminished libido, muscle loss, we will explore treatment options with you. We employ Testosterone injections, a form of hormone replacement therapy that you can learn to self-administer in the comfort of your home. Dr. Berman advocates for Testosterone therapy via injection due to its precise dosage control tailored to your levels and its flexibility that give us an ability to monitor results effectively.

Throughout follow-up testing and appointments, scheduled every 4 months, the doctor will persistently monitor your hormone levels, blood cell counts, and PSA, while evaluating the improvement of your symptoms. Before you know it, you'll experience a revitalization, brimming with energy, heightened activity, enhanced attractiveness, and readiness for a vibrant, healthy sex life.

It is important to note that not all men with low T levels will experience symptoms, or experience them right away. In some cases, this is a slow process that can take years to impact your life in a pronounced way. Waiting to see a doctor, however, can negatively impact your health. Low Testosterone can lead to depression and anxiety, Metabolic syndrome (high blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, obesity), loss of muscle mass, and an ability to maintain a healthy level of intimacy.

Dr. Berman's journey in South Florida commenced in 1982, having grown up amidst a family of esteemed physicians in St. Petersburg, Russia. Even prior to his relocation to the US, his fascination with acupuncture, homeopathy, and other alternative therapies was evident. Establishing a thriving family medical practice in Miami, Dr. Berman delved into various studies focused on addressing age-related concerns in both genders and challenging medical conditions, thus initiating his journey into Anti-Aging medicine. Over time, his repertoire expanded to encompass bio-identical hormone therapy, functional and nutritional medicine, and holistic treatments.

In 2006, Dr. Berman joined the esteemed Anti-Aging consortium, BodyLogicMD, prompting him to transition his practice exclusively to Anti-Aging and Functional medicine. Subsequently, he entrusted the care of his patients to another physician and relocated to West Palm Beach. Following his departure from BodyLogicMD in 2010, he has been practicing independently.

Dr. Berman's professional interests revolve around Bio Identical Hormone Corrective Therapy and Functional Medicine. He holds the distinction of being a Diplomate of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and a Fellow of the American Academy of Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine.

Additionally, Dr. Berman authored the popular book "Hormones for "Morons," in which he expertly explores the intricate role of hormones in the phenomenon of aging. In 2012, he further solidified his contributions to the field by developing a Safe, Effective, Easy-to-follow, and Affordable testosterone replacement protocol. This protocol has been successfully utilized with hundreds of patients suffering from Partial Testosterone Deficiency of Aging Males.

Welcome to Youth and Longevity, your gateway to reclaiming youth and vitality at any age. If you're a man over 35 facing the challenges of partial testosterone deficiency, we have a solution tailored just for you.

Partnering with Dr. Mikhail Berman, a trailblazer in anti-aging medicine since 2004, Youth and Longevity brings you a cutting-edge Testosterone Replacement Protocol developed in 2012. Dr. Berman's expertise ensures that our therapy is not only safe and effective but also tailored to meet your unique needs, allowing you to rediscover the energy and vitality of your prime years.

At Youth and Longevity, your well-being is our top priority. Our protocol is designed to be easy to follow, ensuring that you can seamlessly integrate it into your lifestyle. Plus, we've made it affordable, because everyone deserves to feel their best, regardless of their budget.

Don't let age hold you back from living life to the fullest. Join the countless men who have embraced the transformative power of testosterone replacement therapy with Youth and Longevity. Take the first step towards a brighter, more vibrant future today.

Welcome to Youth and Longevity

Having graduated from the Medical Pediatric Academy of St. Petersburg in 1977, Dr. Berman received training in surgery and urology. He has been mentored by esteemed figures in the medical field such as Dr. Philippe Petit, Dr. Jaques Le Cos, Dr. Felix Silva, Dr. Patricia Rittes, Dr. Bruce Shelton, and Dr. Thierry Hertoghe. Additionally, he is a member of the Institute for Functional Medicine, and the International Society for the Study of Aging Male.

Your journey toward better health begins with a simple phone call to Youth and Longevity learn about program and to schedule tests through our trusted lab (Quest Diagnostic Laboratory). These tests will provide us with an extended hormone profile including pituitary function, blood chemistry, blood cell content and PSA . Following this, we'll arrange a consultation with our doctor who will discuss your lab results with you, conduct a physical examination, and recommend plan of treatment.

Youth And Longevity, LLC
Medical Director Mikhail Berman, MD, FAAAAM

Palm Beach Gardens
8295 N Military Trail
Suite G
Palm Beach Gardens, FL

611 Druid Road
Suite 303
Clearwater, FL

Fort Myers
17595, Tamiami Trail
Suite 250G
Fort Myers, FL

Broward / Dade
1920 E, Hallandale Beach Blvd
Suite 508
Hallandale Beach, FL

Port St. Lucie
550 NW University Blvd
Unit #104
Port St. Lucie, FL

4865 N Wickham Rd
Suite 104
Melbourne, FL

630 S. Orange Ave
Unit 301B
Sarasota, FL

(833) 202-0808

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(833) 202-0808

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